5 Changemakers, 5 Days: Mililma May

By Che Chorley
June 2, 2022
July 9, 2024
Last Updated
February 5, 2024
Written by
Mililma May
Danggalaba Kulumbirigin Tiwi
Written by
Danggalaba Kulumbirigin Tiwi
Written by

Mililma May is a staunch Danggalaba Kulumbirigin Tiwi woman living, working and studying on Kulumbirigin Country (Darwin). Mililma co-founded Uprising of the People (UP) in 2020. UP is a Danggalaba Kulumbirigin-owned, grassroots organisation that aims to nurture and rebuild the relationships between Elders, young people and Country through programs and campaigns.

Mililma is also an activist, artist and writer. We yarned with Mililma in the lead up to National Reconciliation Week 2022 for our 5 Changemakers, 5 Days campaign. Questions and answers may have been edited for length and clarity.

Tell us about yourself and your mob.

Mililma May: I am a Danggalaba Kulumbirigin Tiwi woman from Kulumbirigin Country, also known as Darwin. 

What drives you to create change?

MM: My Ancestors, my Elders and our babies. This cycle of my bloodline and our stories is what drives me to continue changing and evolving to make sure that we can be empowered, nurtured and as strong as possible for as long as possible.

What does your ideal future look like?

MM: My ideal future looks like stable tides, mangroves on the coastline and plenty of fish in the sea. It looks like young kids following their dreams and going home to love, cuddles and wisdom. It looks like our Elders making decisions for our Country, and sharing stories whilst being surrounded by their grannies.

What does being brave look and feel like to you?

MM: Being brave makes my brow furrow like my father’s side and makes my mouth purse like my mother’s side. My Ancestors are behind me and my Aunties hold my hand. My Uncles are ahead; keeping an eye out. The kids are quiet, still and calm; they feel safe.

Do you have a call to action for our community?

Donate to Uprising of the People.

Your donations go directly into our Elders in Residence program and into our Country activism.

Thanks to your support we have successfully halted destructive works at Lee Point and are offering free information sessions to learn about the impacts of fracking on our health.

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