We acknowledge all First Peoples of this land and celebrate their enduring connections to Country, knowledge and stories. We pay our respects to Elders and Ancestors who watch over us and guide Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.
Warlpiri artist Audrey Napanangka yarns with us about her painting, storytelling and Jukurrpa.
Our liyan is our spirit and instincts.
Bookarrarra means the past, the present and the future fused into this moment in time.
Sacred Smoke is a film about the importance of smoke and smoking ceremony in First Nations cultures.
Connection, not colour, is at the heart of First Nations identities.
11 First Nations icons who've led the way in politics, advocacy, sport, academia and more.
If you want to know more about what National NAIDOC Week means and the history behind it, this article is for you.